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Cuboism is a coined term of Cubo + ism, not related to Cubism. It came from the name of Masahiko Cubo.

When I started my office from the architect 's office in 2002, I began to think more about art expression. I like the world where sculpture and design were mixed by making works close to arts and crafts. Consider new types of handicrafts considering exhibitions and sales on the Internet. It leads to the art of making pieces one by one in the category of collection.

Cuboismとは Cubo + ism の造語であり、Cubismとは関係ない。Masahiko Cuboの名前からきている。


クボイズム 久保雅彦  

1958年 (昭和33年)生

1981年  東京藝術大学美術学部卒業

1981 - 1991年  ポーラ化成工業意匠研究所に勤務

1991 - 2002年  ミラノ 建築家ミケーレ・デ・ルッキ氏 事務所勤務

2001年  イタリアADI コンパッソドーロ オリベッティArtJet10  受賞

2002年〜 フリーランス アート デザイン制作

2005  - 2013 年  ヴェネツィア建築大学デザイン学科教鞭

2016年   “Golden Price Drawing Fine art di New York” 

                ドローイング ニューヨークファインアート金賞受賞

2016年  イタリア ヴァレーゼ Casa di Mozzoni 個展

2017年  イタリアBiennale do Soncinoソンチーノ・ビエンナーレ参加

Cuboism  Masahiko Cubo

was born in 1958 in Japan.

He is a professional designer, photographer and painting artist,

of Japanese origin, living in Milan, Italy from 1991, 

so equally influenced by those both cultures in his work concepts. 

I graduated the Tokyo University of Fine Art in 1981, 

since then his work has been dedicated to the art of design.

From 1981 to 1991 he worked at Pola Cosmetics Co. Ltd., Japan, 

where he worked on different projects including the package design of cosmetics,

small objects and furniture.

From 1991 to 2002, he collaborated with Michele De Lucchi at his studio in Milan, Italy,

where he has designed for clients including Olivetti , Vorwerk, Rosenthal,

Ciba Vision and Urmet domus.

From 2002 to 2006 He designed facsimiles for Olivetti I-jet S.p.A, Italy.

1996, he designed hand-made wine glass of Murano and leather purse produced

by Cleto Munari.

He designed furniture design, 3 sofa 1bench and 1table for Adal,Japan.

From 2011 Illustration for Medicinal Pakaging Design Zambon, Italy



1989, “Analys” series he designed in Pola received the prize of  “Gold award”

from PDF in America.

2001, printer Artjet10 of Olivetti received the prize of “Compasso d’Oro”

from ADI in Italy.



1999-2002,  he was appointed professor of the Industrial Design course

at the Design school Noesis, Milan.

2005-2009  Professor of the “Laboratorio di disegno” 

 in Industrial Design couse” at the IUAV (l’Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia),

  Treviso Italy. 



1996  “Neutral Matter”,  Large pencil drawings at Studio De Lucchi, Milan

1997  “Pesce” water colour at Tomoyoshi restrant, Milan

1997  “100 Lampadine”, Decorate on the bulbs at Nord-est cafe, Milan

2000  “Gen” Interior Design and Furniture Design at Azzardo gallery,  Milan

2001  “Luna & Ombra”, Shelves at ”Biffi” boutique, Milan

2010  Art & Design exhibition at “Shaken”, at Milan

2012  Drawing & Sculpture Exhibition For Zambon Group

2016  Design and art object exhibition at Lido Liquor bar Milan Italy

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